如何使用 Zend 框架 2 运行 cron 作业

2022-01-03 00:00:00 cron php zend-framework2

我在 Zend Framework 2 中构建了应用程序.我想设置 cron 作业来更新我的产品.我知道这样的脚本应该从公共文件夹之外运行,但不幸的是我在 cron 中的脚本需要使用框架文件.

I have application built in Zend Framework 2. I would like to set cron job for updating my products. I know scripts such as this should be run from outside of public folder, but unfortunately my script in cron needs to use framework files.
How can I do this?
The only way I figured out is to run script from outside of public folder then add some hash or password and redirect to



So I will have all framework functionality.
Will it be secure? Maybe there is a other way?


我强烈建议使用 CLI 来满足此类需求.

I strongly recommend to use CLI for such requirement.

  1. 在应用程序模块中创建一个带有 updateAction() 的 ConsoleController.
  2. 将控制台路由添加到您的应用程序模块的 module.config.php:

  1. Create a ConsoleController with an updateAction() inside the application module.
  2. Add a console route to your application module's module.config.php:

    'router' => array(
        'routes' => array(

'console' => array(
    'router' => array(
        'routes' => array(
            'cronroute' => array(
                'options' => array(
                    'route'    => 'updateproducts',
                    'defaults' => array(
                        'controller' => 'ApplicationControllerConsole',
                        'action' => 'update'

  • 现在打开终端

  • Now open the terminal and

    $ cd /path/to/your/project
    $ php public/index.php updateproducts

  • 仅此而已.希望有帮助.

    Thats all. Hope it helps.
