如何安装 cron
我想按计划自动运行 PHP 脚本.我最近了解了 CRON.但是我不知道如何安装和使用它.
I want to run PHP scripts automatically on a schedule. I learned about CRON recently. But I don't know how to install and use it.
我正在使用 PHP、CSS、HTML,并在本地主机上的 XAMP apache 服务器上运行.如何安装和使用 Cron?
I'm using PHP, CSS, HTML, and running on XAMP apache server on localhost. How do I install and use Cron?
你有 Windows 机器还是 Linux 机器?
Do you have a Windows machine or a Linux machine?
在 Windows 下,cron 称为计划任务".它位于控制面板中.您可以在控制面板中设置多个脚本以在指定时间运行.使用向导定义计划时间.确保 PHP 可在您的 PATH 中调用.
Under Windows cron is called 'Scheduled Tasks'. It's located in the Control Panel. You can set several scripts to run at specified times in the control panel. Use the wizard to define the scheduled times. Be sure that PHP is callable in your PATH.
在 Linux 下,您可以通过键入以下内容为当前用户创建一个 crontab:
Under Linux you can create a crontab for your current user by typing:
crontab -e [username]
如果此命令失败,则可能是未安装 cron.如果您使用基于 Debian 的系统(Debian、Ubuntu),请先尝试以下命令:
If this command fails, it's likely that cron is not installed. If you use a Debian based system (Debian, Ubuntu), try the following commands first:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cron
如果命令运行正常,将出现一个文本编辑器.现在您可以将命令行添加到 crontab 文件中.每五分钟运行一次:
If the command runs properly, a text editor will appear. Now you can add command lines to the crontab file. To run something every five minutes:
*/5 * * * * /home/user/test.pl
.---------------- minute (0 - 59)
| .------------- hour (0 - 23)
| | .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
| | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
| | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
| | | | |
* * * * * command to be executed
Read more about it on the following pages: Wikipedia: crontab