Cron 作业 $_SERVER 问题

2022-01-03 00:00:00 cron php

我想运行一个 cron 作业.我的应用程序是用 PHP 和 Mysql 开发的.

I want to run a cron job. My application is developed in PHP and Mysql.

在浏览器中,如果我在编码中使用 $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST],它工作正常.但是,如果我在 cron 作业中使用相同的东西,则会出错.

In browser if i use $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] in coding, it works fine. But if I use the same thing in cron job it is giving errors.


Can any body give suggestion to fix this?


$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] 从 cronjob 运行时未填充,文件未通过 HTTP 访问.

$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is not populated when running it from a cronjob, the file is not accessed via HTTP.

您要么必须对主机进行硬编码,要么通过命令行参数传递它并通过 $_SERVER['argv'] 数组访问它.

You will either have to hardcode the Host or pass it via a command line argument and access it via the $_SERVER['argv'] array.
