递归 chmod/chown/chgrp 目录中的所有文件和文件夹

2022-01-03 00:00:00 递归 cron file-permissions php chmod

我在一个建立其他网站的网站上工作.有些如果我使用 copy() 来创建文件和目录,其他时候我正在用 php 构建 XML 文件并使用 DOMDocument::save 来保存它们.最终结果是一个具有各种混乱权限的根文件夹.我一直在修改文件和文件夹,这在一定程度上是这样的,但在使用 copy() 时我特别遇到麻烦.

I am working on a site which builds other sites. Some if it I use copy() to create the files and directories, other times I'm building XML files in php and using DOMDocument::save to save them. The end result is a root folder with all sorts of messed up permissions. I've beening modding files and folders as I go, which words to some extent, but I'm particularly having trouble when it comes to using copy().

(这是我目前所处的位置http://pastebin.com/SBE8vtFX,请注意:function modPath($path))

(This is where I'm at so far http://pastebin.com/SBE8vtFX, attn: function modPath($path))


I want to take a different approach and recursively chmod/chown/chgrp all the files and folders within my document root to my specifications at once.



public_html 中我有

-rwxrwxrwx  1 mysite mysite  348 Aug 31 10:49 index.php
d--------x  5 root   root   4096 Aug 30 10:21 folder1
drwxrwxrwx  2 mysite mysite 4096 Aug 30 09:41 folder2


如何一次修改指定目录中的所有文件?我也想区分目录和文件夹之间的不同 chmod 设置.这需要一个 PHP 解决方案.

My question:

How can I mod all files within a specified directory at once? I want to differentiate different chmod settings between directories and folders as well. This needs to be a PHP solution.



    function modAll($root) {
        $aPath = explode("/", $root);
        $user = $aPath[2];
        /* Some sort of looping through $root */ {
            $mod = (is_dir($thisfileorfolder) ? 0755 : 0644);
            chmod($thisfileorfolder, $mod);
            chown($thisfileorfolder, $user);
            chgrp($thisfileorfolder, $user);



This should be helpful. EDITED: some syntax errors corrected

    function fsmodify($obj) {
       $chunks = explode('/', $obj);
       chmod($obj, is_dir($obj) ? 0755 : 0644);
       chown($obj, $chunks[2]);
       chgrp($obj, $chunks[2]);

    function fsmodifyr($dir) 
       if($objs = glob($dir."/*")) {        
           foreach($objs as $obj) {
               if(is_dir($obj)) fsmodifyr($obj);

       return fsmodify($dir);
