Symfony2 同一类中的多个实体

2022-01-03 00:00:00 forms php symfony doctrine-orm

我想呈现一个具有多个相同类实体的表单.我将显示 2 个字段,Price(type=text) 和 Enabled(type=checkbox).



public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options){$builder->add('价格', '文本', 数组('标签' =>'价格','必需' =>真的))->add('启用','复选框',数组('标签' =>'使用这种货币',));}公共函数 setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver){$resolver->setDefaults(array('data_class' =>'奥西里斯实体定价','csrf_protection' =>错误的));}公共函数 getName(){返回定价类型";}


$pricingForm = $this->createFormBuilder($prices)->add('items','collection',array('必需' =>错误的,'原型' =>真的,'类型' =>新定价类型(),))->getForm();


{% for price in form_pricing %}<h2>价格</h2><div class="row">{{ form_widget(price) }}

{% 结束为 %}

然而,它只带有 h2 价格和带有 class=row 的空 div.我觉得我已经成功了一半,但我不知道如何继续前进.如果有人也知道如何在提交时获取字段,我将不胜感激.



我在 Controller 中创建表单的方式是错误的!我必须执行以下操作:

$pricingForm = $this->createFormBuilder(array('prices'=>$prices))->add('价格','集合',数组('必需' =>真的,'allow_add' =>真的,'类型' =>新定价类型(),))->getForm();

"allow_add => true" 在使用集合时是必需的,否则它会不将任何 PricingType 实体集合添加到表单中.

然后,因为表单是在控制器内部构建的 "$this->createFormBuilder(array('prices'=>$prices))" , $prices 数组必须作为一个数组传递,其数组键名与 "->add('prices','collection',array(...)" 中使用的相同,即 'prices' 这样 Symfony 就会知道在哪里绑定什么.$prices 是一个 Pricing 对象数组 array(0 => new Pricing()).

在我的 PricingType 中有:

class PricingType 扩展 AbstractType {公共函数 buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options){$builder->add('价格', '文本', 数组('标签' =>错误的,'必需' =>真的))->add('启用','复选框',数组('标签' =>'使用这种货币',));}公共函数 setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver){$resolver->setDefaults(array('data_class' =>'XXXXXX实体定价','csrf_protection' =>错误的));}公共函数 getName(){返回定价类型";}}



 {% form_theme form_pricing _self %}


{% block _form_prices_entry_row %}{% 无空间 %}{{ form_widget(form) }}{% endspaceless %}{% 结束块 %}{% 块 _form_prices_entry_widget %}{% 无空间 %}{{ form_row(form.price, { 'label' : form.vars.value.getCurrency().getTitle() } ) }}{{ form_row(form.enabled) }}{% endspaceless %}{% 结束块 %}


{% for price in form_pricing.prices %}<div class="price-row">{{ form_row(price) }}</div>{% 结束为 %}

我真的希望这对你们有帮助.调试尤其是 twig 文件真是一场噩梦,多亏了我聪明的同事,我才做到了.

I want to render a form which has multiple Entities of same Class. I will display 2 fields, Price(type=text) and Enabled(type=checkbox).

I don't know how many I will have of those entities, so form will have to get them dynamically.

I have tried to do the following

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

            ->add('price', 'text', array(
                'label' => 'Price',
                'required' => true
                'label'     => 'Use this currency',


public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
        'data_class'        => 'OsirisEntityPricing',
        'csrf_protection'   => false

public function getName()
    return 'pricingtype';

And in my Controller I have created my form like this:

$pricingForm = $this->createFormBuilder($prices)
                   'required' => false,
                   'prototype' => true,
                   'type'    => new PricingType(),

In my twig I do:

{% for price in form_pricing %}
    <div class="row">{{ form_widget(price) }}</div>
{% endfor %}

However it comes only with h2 Prices and empty div with class=row. I feel like I am half way there, but I've no idea how to move on. If someone knows how to get fields on submit as well, I will really appreciate it.


I found the solution,

the way I was creating the form in Controller was wrong! I had to do the following:

$pricingForm = $this->createFormBuilder(array('prices'=>$prices))
                    'required'       => true,
                    'allow_add'      => true,
                    'type'           => new PricingType(),

"allow_add => true" is necessary when working with collection, otherwise it will NOT add any of PricingType collection of entities to the form.

Then, because the form is built inside the controller "$this->createFormBuilder(array('prices'=>$prices))" , $prices array must be passed as an array with array keyname same as the one used in "->add('prices','collection',array(...)" , which is 'prices' so Symfony will know what to bind where. $prices is an array of Pricing objects array(0 => new Pricing()).

In my PricingType I have:

class PricingType extends AbstractType {

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

            ->add('price', 'text', array(
                'label' => false,
                'required' => true
                'label'     => 'Use this currency',



    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
            'data_class'        =>  'XXXXXXEntityPricing',
            'csrf_protection'   => false

    public function getName()
        return 'pricingtype';

Here I need to have control over label attribute. I could not find the way for it( if anyone knows please post how to). I override my twig template as follows:

On the top we need next line of code:

    {% form_theme form_pricing _self %}

Then override row and widget as follows (it was a nightmare to debug):

{% block _form_prices_entry_row %}
    {% spaceless %}
        {{ form_widget(form) }}
    {% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}

{% block _form_prices_entry_widget %}
    {% spaceless %}

        {{ form_row(form.price, { 'label' : form.vars.value.getCurrency().getTitle() } ) }}
        {{ form_row(form.enabled) }}

    {% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}

In the body then, render form elements as follows:

{% for price in form_pricing.prices %}
                    <div class="price-row">{{ form_row(price) }}</div>
                {% endfor %}

I really hope this will help you guyz. It was a real nightmare to debug especially the twig file, I did it thanks to my clever colleague.
