Doctrine:将 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 设置为数据库的默认值(即不是 PHP)

2022-01-03 00:00:00 php symfony doctrine-orm


After looking around for a while, I still couldn't find a way to get CURRENT_TIMESTAMP inserted by the database server (as default value on INSERT).

问题:当您将对象持久化到数据库时,Doctrine 将丢失的字段显式设置为 NULL.所以看起来,在表定义中设置默认值,根本没有任何影响:-(

The problem: When you persist an object to the database, missing fields are explicitly set to NULL by Doctrine. So it looks like, setting a default value in the table definition, doesn't have any effect at all :-(

我不想通过 PHP 设置时间(例如 $object->setTimestamp(new DateTime());)因为这可能返回与数据库服务器不同的时间有,如此处所述:

I don't want to set the time through PHP (e.g. $object->setTimestamp(new DateTime());) cause this might return a different time than what the database server has, as explained here:


What I've tried so far:

  • 按字面意思发送 NOW(例如 $object->setTimestamp('NOW()');),如下所述:
    => 不工作:错误:在字符串上调用成员函数 format()

  • Send in NOW literally (e.g. $object->setTimestamp('NOW()');), as explained here:
    => Didn't work: Error: Call to a member function format() on string

在持久化对象之前从对象中删除时间戳"属性(请参阅 ) 也不起作用:无论如何,该字段已被 Doctrine 设置为 NULL.

Removing the 'timestamp' property from the object just before persisting it (see ) didn't work either: The field was set to NULL by Doctrine anyway.

我发现的任何其他解决方案(包括 Doctrine 扩展Timestampable" ) 使用 PHP 的时间.

Any other solution I found (including the Doctrine extension 'Timestampable' ) uses PHP's time.


看看这个: 它应该解决Error: Call to a member function format() on string 的问题,并强制SQL NOW()发送到数据库.

Have a look at this: it should resolve the problem with Error: Call to a member function format() on string and force SQL NOW() to be sent to the database.
