“无映射字段"在 Doctrine2 中使用部分查询和复合键时

我有两个模型,分别称为 PersonTag.一个Person有多个Tag,Tag主键是person_idtag的复合键(Person $person and $tag 在 Doctrine2 中).

I have two models called Person and Tag. One Person has many Tags, and the Tag primary key is a composite key of person_id and tag (Person $person and $tag in Doctrine2).


There is a data field (BLOB) in the Tag model with a lot of data. I am setting up a query that does not require the data from that field, so I want to set up a query that does not retrieve that field.


SELECT c, PARTIAL t.{tag} FROM Contact c LEFT JOIN c.tags

在这里,我得到了一些预期的错误类 Tag 的部分字段选择必须包含标识符.没问题,我添加联系人字段:

Here, I get the somewhat expected error The partial field selection of class Tag must contain the identifier. No problem, I add the contact field:

SELECT c, PARTIAL t.{contact,tag} FROM Contact c LEFT JOIN c.tags


Doctrine2 不支持对复合键的部分查询吗?

Does Doctrine2 not support partial queries on composite keys?


/** @Entity @Table(name="tag") **/
class Tag
    /** @Id @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Contact",inversedBy="tags") @var Contact **/
    protected $contact;
    /** @Id @Column(type="string",length=10,nullable=false) @var string **/
    protected $tag;
    /** @Column(type="blob") **/
    protected $data;



Whenever performing a partial selection you need to include the primary key of the class you're selecting from.


You haven't actually detailed your "Contact" entity but i'm assuming the primary key field of that class is "id". If this was the case then the following query will acheive what you're after:

SELECT c, PARTIAL t.{id, tag} FROM Contact c LEFT JOIN c.tags


