使用 Doctrine 2 在 Zend Framework 2 中进行验证

2022-01-03 00:00:00 php doctrine-orm zend-framework2

我现在对 Zend Framework 2 越来越熟悉,同时我也在更新 Zend Framework 2 中的验证部分.我见过几个示例如何使用 Zend 验证数据库中的数据dbadapter,例如来自Zend Framework 2官网的代码:

I am right now getting myself more and more familiar with Zend Framework 2 and in the meantime I was getting myself updated with the validation part in Zend Framework 2. I have seen few examples how to validate the data from the database using Zend Db adapter, for example the code from the Zend Framework 2 official website:

//Check that the username is not present in the database
$validator = new ZendValidatorDbNoRecordExists(
        'table' => 'users',
        'field' => 'username'
if ($validator->isValid($username)) {
    // username appears to be valid
} else {
    // username is invalid; print the reason
    $messages = $validator->getMessages();
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo "$message


Now my question is how can do the validation part?

例如,我需要在插入数据库之前验证名称以检查数据库中不存在相同的名称,我已经更新了 Zend Framework 2 示例相册模块以使用 Doctrine 2 与数据库通信,现在我想将验证部分添加到我的代码中.

For example, I need to validate a name before inserting into database to check that the same name does not exist in the database, I have updated Zend Framework 2 example Album module to use Doctrine 2 to communicate with the database and right now I want to add the validation part to my code.


Let us say that before adding the album name to the database I want to validate that the same album name does not exist in the database.


Any information regarding this would be really helpful!



I had the same problem and solved it this way:

  1. 创建一个自定义验证器类,将其命名为 NoEntityExists(或您想要的任何名称).
  2. 扩展ZendValidatorAbstractValidator
  3. DoctrineORMEntityManager
  4. 提供一个getter和setter
  5. 为选项(实体名称,...)提供一些额外的 getter 和 setter
  6. 创建一个 isValid($value) 方法来检查记录是否存在并返回一个布尔值
  7. 要使用它,请创建它的新实例,分配 EntityManager 并像使用任何其他验证器一样使用它.
  1. Create a custom validator class, name it something like NoEntityExists (or whatever you want).
  2. Extend ZendValidatorAbstractValidator
  3. Provide a getter and setter for DoctrineORMEntityManager
  4. Provide some extra getters and setters for options (entityname, ...)
  5. Create an isValid($value) method that checks if a record exists and returns a boolean
  6. To use it, create a new instance of it, assign the EntityManager and use it just like any other validator.

要了解如何实现验证器类,请检查已经存在的验证器(最好是像 CallbackGreaterThan 这样简单的验证器).

To get an idea of how to implement the validator class, check the validators that already exist (preferably a simple one like Callback or GreaterThan).


//对不起,我迟到了 ;-)

// Sorry, I'm late ;-)


So here is a quite advanced example of how you can implement such a validator.

请注意,我添加了一个 translate() 方法,以便使用 PoEdit(一种从源代码中获取此类字符串并将它们放入列表中的翻译辅助工具)来捕获语言字符串.如果您没有使用 gettext(),您可能可以跳过它.

Note that I added a translate() method in order to catch language strings with PoEdit (a translation helper tool that fetches such strings from the source codes and puts them into a list for you). If you're not using gettext(), you can problably skip that.

此外,这是我使用 ZF2 的第一批课程之一,我不会再将它放入 Application 模块中.也许,创建一个更适合的新模块,例如 MyDoctrineValidator 左右.

Also, this was one of my first classes with ZF2, I wouldn't put this into the Application module again. Maybe, create a new module that fits better, for instance MyDoctrineValidator or so.


This validator gives you a lot of flexibility as you have to set the query before using it. Of course, you can pre-define a query and set the entity, search column etc. in the options. Have fun!

namespace ApplicationValidatorDoctrine;

use ZendValidatorAbstractValidator;
use DoctrineORMEntityManager;

class NoEntityExists extends AbstractValidator
    const ENTITY_FOUND = 'entityFound';

    protected $messageTemplates = array();

     * @var EntityManager
    protected $entityManager;

     * @param string
    protected $query;

     * Determines if empty values (null, empty string) will <b>NOT</b> be included in the check.
     * Defaults to true
     * @var bool
    protected $ignoreEmpty = true;

     * Dummy to catch messages with PoEdit...
     * @param string $msg
     * @return string
    public function translate($msg)
        return $msg;

     * @return the $ignoreEmpty
    public function getIgnoreEmpty()
        return $this->ignoreEmpty;

     * @param boolean $ignoreEmpty
    public function setIgnoreEmpty($ignoreEmpty)
        $this->ignoreEmpty = $ignoreEmpty;
        return $this;

     * @param unknown_type $entityManager
     * @param unknown_type $query
    public function __construct($entityManager = null, $query = null, $options = null)
        if(null !== $entityManager)
        if(null !== $query)

        // Init messages
        $this->messageTemplates[self::ENTITY_FOUND] = $this->translate('There is already an entity with this value.');

        return parent::__construct($options);

     * @param EntityManager $entityManager
     * @return ApplicationValidatorDoctrineNoEntityExists
    public function setEntityManager(EntityManager $entityManager)
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
        return $this;

     * @return the $query
    public function getQuery()
        return $this->query;

     * @param field_type $query
    public function setQuery($query)
        $this->query = $query;
        return $this;

     * @return DoctrineORMEntityManager
    public function getEntityManager()
        return $this->entityManager;

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see endValidatorValidatorInterface::isValid()
     * @throws ExceptionRuntimeException() in case EntityManager or query is missing
    public function isValid($value)
        // Fetch entityManager
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();

        if(null === $em)
            throw new ExceptionRuntimeException(__METHOD__ . ' There is no entityManager set.');

        // Fetch query
        $query = $this->getQuery();

        if(null === $query)
            throw new ExceptionRuntimeException(__METHOD__ . ' There is no query set.');

        // Ignore empty values?
        if((null === $value || '' === $value) && $this->getIgnoreEmpty())
            return true;

        $queryObj = $em->createQuery($query)->setMaxResults(1);

        $entitiesFound = !! count($queryObj->execute(array(':value' => $value)));

        // Set Error message

        // Valid if no records are found -> result count is 0
        return ! $entitiesFound;
