错误:预期的 DoctrineORMQueryLexer::T_WITH,“ON"

2022-01-03 00:00:00 php symfony doctrine-orm


I have written the following code for fetching data from database:

function getnotificationAction()
    $session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();
    $userId = $session->get('userid');

    $entitymanager = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
    $notification = $entitymanager->getRepository('IGCNotificationBundle:Notifications');
    $userNotification = $entitymanager->getRepository('IGCNotificationBundle:Usernotifications');
    $query = $entitymanager
                 ->createQuery("SELECT n.notificationid, n.title,n.notificationmessage, u.creationdate, u.notificationid, u.messagestatus From IGCNotificationBundle:Notifications AS n JOIN IGCNotificationBundle:Usernotifications AS u ON u.notificationid = n.notificationid WHERE u.userId = :userId ORDER BY n.creationdate DESC")->setParameter('userId', userId);

    $notifications = $query->getResult();

    return $this->render('IGCNotificationBundle:Default:notification.html.twig', array('notifications' => $notifications));
} }


[语法错误] 第 0 行,第 203 行:错误:预期的 DoctrineORMQueryLexer::T_WITH,出现ON"500 内部服务器错误 - QueryException 1 链接异常:QueryException »

[Syntax Error] line 0, col 203: Error: Expected DoctrineORMQueryLexer::T_WITH, got 'ON' 500 Internal Server Error - QueryException 1 linked Exception: QueryException »


[Syntax Error] line 0, col 203: Error: Expected DoctrineORMQueryLexer::T_WITH, got 'ON' 500 Internal Server Error - QueryException 1 linked Exception: QueryException »


I think you should replace your keyword 'ON' with a 'WITH' .


现在可以在 DQL 中使用任意实体之间的连接语法 FROM Foo f JOIN Bar b WITH f.id = b.id.

Joins between arbitrary entities are now possible in DQL by using the syntax FROM Foo f JOIN Bar b WITH f.id = b.id.
