Doctrine 分离、缓存和合并

2022-01-03 00:00:00 php doctrine doctrine-orm

我在使用 Doctrine 2.3.我有以下查询:

I'm on Doctrine 2.3. I have the following query:

    SELECT u, c, p
    FROM EntitiesUser u
    LEFT JOIN u.privilege p
    WHERE = :id
')->setParameter('id', $identity)

然后我取那个,得到结果(这是一个数组,我只取第一个元素),然后运行 ​​detach $em->detach($result);.

I then take that, get the result (which is an array, I just take the first element), and run detach $em->detach($result);.

当我从缓存中获取时(使用 Doctrine 的 APC 缓存驱动程序),我这样做:

When I go to fetch from the cache (using Doctrine's APC cache driver), I do:

$cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache();
    $entity = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId);
    return $entity;


My hope was that this would re-enable the relationship loading on the entity as there are many other relationships tied to the User object other than what's shown in that query.


I'm trying to create a new entity like such:

$newEntity = new EntitiesClientType();
$newEntity['param'] = $data;
$newEntitiy['company'] = $this->user['company'];


When I do this, I get an error:

A new entity was found through the relationship 'EntitiesClientType#company' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity:
To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example @ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}). 
If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem implement 'EntitiesCompany#__toString()' to get a clue.


This works just fine when I don't use the company entity under the user entity that I got from cache. Is there any way to make this work so I don't have to refetch the company entity from the database every time I want to use it in a relationship with a new entity?

这是我在处理这两种关系的 User 实体中的内容:

This is what I have in my User entity dealing with these two relationships:

    * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Company" , inversedBy="user", cascade={"detach", "merge"})
    protected $company;

    * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Privilege" , inversedBy="user", cascade={"detach", "merge"})
    protected $privilege;


I am still getting the same error.

第二次尝试 $em->contains($this->user);$em->contains($this->user['company']); 都返回false.这听起来……错了.

Second edit: Trying a $em->contains($this->user); and $em->contains($this->user['company']); both return false. Which sounds... wrong.



When merging a User, you want the associated Company and Privilege to be merged as well, correct?


在您的用户实体中,将 cascade={"merge"} 放在 @ManyToOne 注释(或您正在使用的其他类型的关联定义)中,用于 $company$privilege.

In your User entity put cascade={"merge"} in the @ManyToOne annotation (or another type of association-definition you are using) for $company and $privilege.

如果你也想级联分离调用(推荐),输入cascade={"detach", "merge"}.

And if you want the detach call to be cascaded too (which is recommended), put in cascade={"detach", "merge"}.


p.s.: Don't put such cascades on both sides of one association, you'll create an endless loop ;)


$entity = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId);
$em->merge($entity);                      // <-
return $entity;


$entity = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId);
$entity = $em->merge($entity);            // <-
return $entity;

merge() 的特点是它使您作为参数传递的实体保持不变,并返回一个表示实体托管版本的 new 对象.所以你想使用返回值,而不是你传递的参数.

The thing with merge() is that it leaves the entity you pass as an argument untouched, and returns a new object that represents the managed version of the entity. So you want to use the return-value, not the argument you passed.
