如何在 Symfony 2 和 Doctrine 中过滤实体对象内的数据

我有两个实体:ProductFeature.Product 有许多其他 Features(一对多的关系).每个Feature 都有一个名称和一个重要的状态(如果特性重要则为真,否则为假).我想在 TWIG 中使用我的产品的所有重要功能.

I have two entities: Product and Feature. Product has many other Features (relation one to many). Every Feature has a name and an important status (true if feature is important, false if not). I want to get in TWIG all important features for my product.


Solution below is very ugly:

Product: {{ product.name }}
Important features:
{% for feature in product.features %}
    {% if feature.important == true %}
        - {{ feature.name }}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Product: {{ product.name }}
Important features:
{% for feature in product.importantFeatures %}
     - {{ feature.name }}
{% endfor %}


I must filter data in entity object, but how?

// MyBundle/Entity/Vehicle.php
class Product {
    protected $features; // (oneToMany)
    // ...
    protected getFeatures() { // default method
        return $this->features;
    protected getImportantFeatures() { // my custom method
        // ? what next ?

// MyBundle/Entity/Feature.php
class Feature {
    protected $name;      // (string)
    protected $important; // (boolean)
    // ...


您可以使用 Criteria 类过滤掉相关特征的Arraycollection

You can use Criteria class to filter out the Arraycollection of related features

class Product {
    protected $features; // (oneToMany)
    // ...
    protected getFeatures() { // default method
        return $this->features;
    protected getImportantFeatures() { // my custom method
        $criteria = DoctrineCommonCollectionsCriteria::create()
                    ->where(DoctrineCommonCollectionsCriteria::expr()->eq("important", true));
     return $this->features->matching($criteria);


Product: {{ product.name }}
Important features:
{% for feature in product.getImportantFeatures() %}
     - {{ feature.name }}
{% endfor %}
