
2022-01-03 00:00:00 php doctrine-orm zend-framework2

我有一个可用的 ZF2(骨架)应用程序并且想要集成 Doctrine.

I have a working ZF2 (skeleton) application and want to integrate Doctrine.

我已经从 github 下载了 2 个模块(DoctrineModule 和 DoctrineORMModule),因为我无法使用 composer(所以请不要回答:get composer").

I have downloaded the 2 modules (DoctrineModule and DoctrineORMModule) from github as I'm unable to use composer (so please don't answer with; "get composer").


After hours of trying to find the problem I keep getting the following error:

致命错误:在第 54 行的学说/DoctrineModule/src/DoctrineModule/Module.php 中找不到Doc​​trineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationRegistry"类.

Fatal error: Class 'DoctrineCommonAnnotationsAnnotationRegistry' not found in doctrine/DoctrineModule/src/DoctrineModule/Module.php on line 54.


I have spend hours of searching and trying to debug but I can't find a way to fix it. Please help me.


DoctrineORMModule 没有明确支持没有 Composer 的自动加载(因为它很乱).

DoctrineORMModule does not explicitly support autoloading without composer (since it's a mess).

DoctrineORMModule 的当前 (0.7.*) 版本开始,所需的包如下:

As of current (0.7.*) version of DoctrineORMModule, the required packages are following:

  • doctrine/common (2.3.0)
  • doctrine/dbal (2.3.2)
  • symfony/控制台 (v2.1.7)
  • doctrine/orm (2.3.2)
  • doctrine/doctrine-module (0.7.*)
  • doctrine/doctrine-orm-module (0.7.0)
  • doctrine/common (2.3.0)
  • doctrine/dbal (2.3.2)
  • symfony/console (v2.1.7)
  • doctrine/orm (2.3.2)
  • doctrine/doctrine-module (0.7.*)
  • doctrine/doctrine-orm-module (0.7.0)

您可以做的是在 init_autoloader 中定义所有自动加载命名空间.php 在你的骨架应用程序中(解释混乱).要替换的代码是关于自动加载器工厂的部分:

What you can do is defining all the autoloading namespaces in init_autoloader.php in your skeleton application (explaining the mess). The code to replace is the part about the autoloader factory:

    'ZendLoaderStandardAutoloader' => array(
        'autoregister_zf' => true,
        'namespaces' => array(
            'DoctrineCommon'   => __DIR__ . '/vendor/doctrine/common',
            'DoctrineDBAL'     => __DIR__ . '/vendor/doctrine/dbal',
            'SymfonyConsole'   => __DIR__ . '/vendor/symfony/console',
            'DoctrineModule'    => __DIR__ . '/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module',
            'DoctrineORMModule' => __DIR__ . '/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-orm-module',

您必须自己配置各种 git 子模块

You will have to configure the various git submodules on your own


As of version 0.8.* of the modules, the dependencies will increase quite a bit because of how doctrine/common was splitted recently, so consider finding a solution to start using composer or you will just be delaying huge problems in future.


This solution should work for now.
