
2022-01-03 00:00:00 php mysql symfony doctrine-orm

我正在和一个朋友一起做一个 Symfony2 项目.他在一台基于 Windows 的计算机上工作,而我在我的 Mac 上工作.我们设置了项目并在他的计算机上制作了数据库模型/实体(代码优先).现在我也想开始研究它,所以我们对我的本地主机做了一个 SQL 哑巴.我编辑了 parameters.yml 以匹配我的设置.该项目可以连接到服务器.但是,当我尝试打开使用数据库的页面时,出现此错误:

Hi, I"m working with a friend on a Symfony2 project. He's working on a Windows based computer and I'm on my Mac. We setup the project and made the database model / entities (code first) on his computer. Now I wanted to start working on it as well so we did a SQL dumb to my localhost. I edited the parameters.yml to match my settings. The project can connect to the server. But when I try to open a page where the database is used i get this error:

执行'SELECT AS id1, AS name2, t0.bigimage AS bigimage3, t0.smallimage AS smallimage4, AS info5, t0.city_id AS city_id6 FROM District t0'时发生异常:

An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT AS id1, AS name2, t0.bigimage AS bigimage3, t0.smallimage AS smallimage4, AS info5, t0.city_id AS city_id6 FROM District t0':

SQLSTATE[42S02]:未找到基表或视图:1146 表 'socialgeogroep6.District' 不存在500 内部服务器错误 - DBALException1 个链接异常:PDOException »

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'socialgeogroep6.District' doesn't exist 500 Internal Server Error - DBALException 1 linked Exception: PDOException »


Just to be clear, the page is running normal on his computer; he gets the data as it should be.

可能是什么问题?我一遍又一遍地查看我的 PHPmyAdmin,数据库中包含所有字段和数据...

What can be the problem? I looked in my PHPmyAdmin over and over again and the database is there with all the fields and data...
(screen: I really can't imagine what the problem is.



这可能是一个案例问题.您的数据库中有 district 表,但学说要求的是 District 表.

It's likely a case issue. You have the district table on your database, but doctrine is asking for the District table.

您应该配置学说以使用小写的表名.参考学说文档 了解如何操作.

You should configure doctrine to use lower case table name. Refer to the doctrine documentation to know how to do so.
