表单验证期间带有多个参数的 Codeigniter 中的回调函数

2022-01-03 00:00:00 validation callback php codeigniter

在 Codeigniter 中:

In Codeigniter:


Here is the callback function that I am using for validation:

public function has_match($password, $username){
    if (0) {
        // user exists
        return true;
    else {
        $this->form_validation->set_message('has_match', 'Invalid Username/password entered ' . $password . ' ' . $username);
        return false;


$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|callback_has_match[username]');

任何人都可以告诉我我在调用回调函数时做错了什么,因为我无法获取用户名字段的值并且它一直显示用户名"(在回调中的变量 $username 内)而不是?

Can any one please tell me what I am doing wrong here in calling the callback function, as I am unable to get the value of the username field and it keeps showing 'username' (inside the variable $username in callback) instead?


您的代码按预期工作.您基本上总是使用 string username 作为参数调用回调方法 has_match.我认为您希望这会转化为:

Your code is working as expected. You're basically always calling the callback method has_match with the string username as a parameter. I think that you expect that this translates into:


因此,当您访问 has_match() 方法时,您将有权访问 $username 的值.然而,这不是回调方法的工作方式.您在其中设置的参数是一个硬编码的字符串,与您为 min_length[10] 添加规则时所做的完全一样 - 它不是 PHP 变量的值.一个简单的修复方法,我还没有测试过,但怀疑可行:

Therefore, when you access the has_match() method, you would have access to the value of $username. This is however, not the way callback methods work. The parameter that you set in there is a string, which is hardcoded, exactly like you do when you add a rule for min_length[10] - it's not the value of a PHP variable. An easy fix, which I haven't tested but suspect works is to do:

$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|callback_has_match[' . $username . ']');


However the code above is not clean, and seems bad design in my opinion.

既然我们已经发现了代码的问题,我知道这超出了问题的范围,但我想指出 - 我发现这更像是一个设计问题.为什么要在密码字段的回调中检查用户名/密码对?

Now that we've found the problem with the code, I know it's outside the scope of the question, but I would like to point it out - I find it's more of a design issue here. Why do you want to check for the username/password pair inside of a callback to the password field?


Remember, you're validating a form, you shouldn't mix it up with model work. The form doesn't care if the provided username/password combo is correct, it should just look at whether both the fields have been provided correctly, and if so, it should do something about it.


I would adapt your code above to:

$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|callback_has_match[username]');

if ($this->form_validation->run() != FALSE) {
    $validLogin = $this->muser->checkLogin($username, $password);

    if ($validLogin) {
        //Username/password combo exists in DB, save in session or whatever.
    } else {
        //Username/password combo does not exist in DB, show an error.
} else {
    //Code for when form fields have not been provided correctly.
