如何在学说 2 实体的存储库中使用复杂的标准?

2022-01-03 00:00:00 sql php doctrine doctrine-orm criteria


Lets say I have a table that holds information about festivals.
Each festival has a start and end date.


I want to select all the festivals that are live (that happen) on a given date.


Meaning, I want to select all the festivals that their start date is before or on a given date, and that their end date is after or on a the same given date.

但是标准参数findBy"期望是一个数组,所有示例仅将其视为一个简单的条件(例如,array('name' => 'billy')"将选择名称列中具有值 billy 的所有行),其中仅使用比较运算符.

So I went on to the repository class of the festival entity, and created a method to do just that.
But the criteria argument "findBy" expects is an array, which all the examples only treat as a simple criteria (e.g. "array('name' => 'billy')" will select all the rows that have the value billy in their name column), which uses only the comparison operator.


How can I use other operators such as

>, <, !=, IN, NOT IN, LIKE    



如果您需要特定的查询,则需要编写自己的查询(可能使用 DQL).我相信内置的findBy"方法更适合用于快速抓取对象,如果您的标准不那么具体.我不知道您的实体名称或它们的存储位置.可能是您的 Festival Repository 中的一个函数.

You'll need to write your own query (probably using DQL) if you want something that specific. I believe the built in "findBy" methods are more for just grabbing objects quickly if you have less specific criteria. I don't know your entity names or where they are stored. Could be something like this as a function in your Festival Repository.

public function findActiveFestivals($start, $end)
    $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
        ->from('Festival', 'f')
        ->where('f.start >= :start')
        ->andWhere('f.end <= :end')
        ->setParameters(array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end));

    return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
