
2022-01-02 00:00:00 download php content-disposition

我知道如何进行下载,当下载发生时,它会从导致下载的网页中附加 html.如何过滤掉 HTML?

I know how to make the download occur, when the download happens it appends the html from the web page that causes the download. How do I filter out the HTML?


我了解到您正在尝试从 PHP 页面输出一些流以供下载?

I understand that you're trying to output some stream for download from PHP page?

如果是这样,那么不要从包含 HTML 的页面输出该内容,而是重定向到单独的 php 页面,该页面仅输出下载流,如有必要,带有标题.

If so, then don't output that content from the page that contains HTML, but redirect to separate php page that outputs only the download stream, with headers if necessary.
