如何在不从 PHP 调用 ps 的情况下检查指定的 PID 当前是否正在运行?

2022-01-02 00:00:00 process pid php

我们想检查指定的进程当前是否正在通过 PHP 运行.

We would like to check if a specified process is currently running via PHP.

我们想简单地提供一个 PID,看看它当前是否正在执行.

We would like to simply supply a PID and see if it is currently executing or not.

PHP 是否有一个内部函数可以为我们提供这些信息,还是我们必须从ps"输出中解析它?

Does PHP have an internal function that would give us this information or do we have to parse it out of "ps" output?


如果你在 Linux 上,试试这个:

If you are on Linux, try this :

if (file_exists( "/proc/$pid" )){
    //process with a pid = $pid is running
