Preg_match_all <a href

2022-01-02 00:00:00 hyperlink php preg-match

你好,我想提取链接<a href="/portal/clients/show/entityId/2121" >我想要一个正则表达式,它给我/portal/clients/show/entityId/2121最后2121的数字在其他链接中不同有什么想法吗?

Hello i want to extract links <a href="/portal/clients/show/entityId/2121" > and i want a regex which givs me /portal/clients/show/entityId/2121 the number at last 2121 is in other links different any idea?



Regex for parsing links is something like this:


鉴于这有多可怕,我建议至少使用 Simple HTML Dom 来获取链接.然后,您可以在链接 href 上使用一些非常基本的正则表达式来检查链接.

Given how horrible that is, I would recommend using Simple HTML Dom for getting the links at least. You could then check links using some very basic regex on the link href.
