使用自定义 Doctrine 2 数据类型的依赖注入

2022-01-01 00:00:00 orm php symfony doctrine-orm

我有一个与 使用自定义 Doctrine 2 hydrator 进行依赖注入的问题,但我需要将服务注入自定义数据类型,而不是注入水合器.

I have pretty much an identical issue as Dependency injection with custom Doctrine 2 hydrator, but I need to inject a service into a custom data type, not into a hydrator.

引用问题中的解决方案依赖于复制和修改学说源代码,因为 Doctrine 初始化类本身.希望另一种方法适用于自定义数据类型?

The solution in the referenced question is relies on duplicating and modifying doctrine source code as Doctrine initializes the classes itself. Hopefully another approach is viable to custom data types?

这是一个 Symfony3 应用程序,如果可以在那里应用一些魔法的话.

This is for a Symfony3 application, if there could be some magic to be applied there.



Per the comments in the initial question:

使这变得困难的是 Doctrine 如何实例化自定义数据类型.原则的 Type::addType($name, $className) 方法只需要类名,而不是类的实例.您可以做的是在您的 bundles 扩展类中添加您的自定义原则类型,然后在具有所需依赖项的 kernel.request 上注册一个事件侦听器服务,并通过调用 DoctrineDBALTypes::getType($name)->setSomeDependency($dependency);.不过有点乱.

What makes this hard is how Doctrine instantiates custom data types. The Type::addType($name, $className) method for doctrine just wants the class name, not an instance of a class. What you could do is add your custom doctrine type within your bundles extension class, then register an event listener service on on kernel.request that has the needed dependencies and set them into your data type by calling DoctrineDBALTypes::getType($name)->setSomeDependency($dependency);. Kinda messy though.

很好地找到了 Matthias 的文章.扩展类的 boot() 方法看起来确实是设置依赖项的更自然的地方.

Good find on Matthias' article. The boot() method of the extension class does look like a more natural place to set the dependencies.
