在 Windows 上列出包含 Unicode 字符的目录

2022-01-01 00:00:00 unicode windows directory php

我正在使用 Windows 2003 编写一些 PHP 代码.我使用 XAMPP Portable(复制到 D:).问题:

I am using Windows 2003 to write some PHP code. I use XAMPP Portable (copy to D:). The problem:

$path = 'D:ebooks';
$all_file = scandir($path);
foreach ($all_file as $file) {
  if (is_dir("$path/$file") && $file != '.' && $file != '..') {
    echo $file . "<br />

当我调用脚本(使用浏览器)时,我没有看到任何包含 Unicode 字符的目录(在 D:ebooks 中)(我用越南语、日语、中文、捷克语进行了测试).

When I call the script (with browser), I didn't see any directories (within D:ebooks) containing a Unicode character (I tested with Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Czech).

但是如果我删除is_dir("$path/$file"),目录显示有很多奇怪的字符和很多??? 字符.

But if I remove is_dir("$path/$file"), the directories display with many strange characters and many ??? characters.



不幸的是,存在许多与 PHP 访问 Windows 文件系统相关的错误.虽然 Windows 确实将文件名存储为 UTF-16,但 PHP 的内部使用了更旧的 ANSI api.所以最好只使用 ascii 范围内的文件名,或者切换到不同的操作系统.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of bugs related to PHP access to a windows filesystem. While Windows does store the filenames as UTF-16, PHP's internals use the much older ANSI api's. So it's best to only do stuff with filenames that are in the ascii range, or switch to a different operating system.
