创建代理以在 PHP 中欺骗 iPhone 用户代理?

2021-12-31 00:00:00 proxy user-agent php iphone

我正在编写一个基于网络的 iPhone 模拟器,我正在寻找一种方法来欺骗 iPhone 的 Safari 浏览器,以便在模拟器 (iframe) 中加载的网页使用移动版本.根据我的理解,我需要修改用户代理.

I'm writing a web based iPhone simulator and I'm looking for a way to spoof iPhone's Safari browser so that web pages loaded within the simulator (iframe) to use the mobile versions. From my understanding I need to modify the user-agent.

如何创建一个 PHP 代理脚本来欺骗 iPhone 的用户代理?

How do I go about creating a PHP proxy script to spoof the iPhone's user-agent?


您可以使用 cURL 之类的库通过 iPhone 用户代理请求页面,并将该页面返回到您的站点(确保将相对 URL 扩展为绝对, 与 DOMDocument).

You could use a library like cURL to request the page with the iPhone user agent, and return that page to your site (be sure to expand relative URLs to absolute, with DOMDocument).

但是,您可能会遇到边缘情况,即通过用户代理提供不同的 CSS/JavaScript/图像.这可能不值得偶然请求这些资产中的每一个.您可以通过向用户代理请求一次,然后向 iPhone 用户代理请求一次来限制工作,执行 md5_file() 并查看它们是否不同.不过我不会打扰:P

However, you may run into edge cases where CSS/JavaScript/images are served differently via the user agent. This is probably not worth requesting each of these assets on the off chance. You could limit the work by requesting once with your user agent, and then the iPhone user agent, doing md5_file() and seeing if they are different. I wouldn't bother though :P

你也可以试试这个 JavaScript...

You could also try this JavaScript...

navigator.__defineGetter__('userAgent', function(){
    return 'foo' // customized user agent

navigator.userAgent; // 'foo'


另外请记住,如果您的用户没有使用 Safari,您可能想要发出警告,这将最接近模拟 Mobile Safari.

Also remember you may want to give a warning if your users aren't using Safari, which will be the closest to simulate Mobile Safari.
