在 ubuntu 上安装 php datastax 驱动

我正在尝试为 Cassandra 安装 datastax php 驱动程序,当我运行以下命令时:

I am trying to install the datastax php driver for Cassandra and when i run the following command:

pecl install ext/package.xml

从 git 中检查出来后,我收到以下消息:

after checking it out of git i get the following message:

configure: error: Unable to load libcassandra

ERROR: `/tmp/pear/temp/cassandra/configure' failed


Can anyone point me in the right direction in order to successfully install this driver please?

我使用的 cassandra 版本是 2.1.8,所以可能驱动程序尚未更新以连接到最新版本的 cassandra.

version of cassandra i am using is 2.1.8 so maybe the driver has not been updated to connect to the latest version of cassandra.


这已经解决了在 phpinfo() 中没有引用不正确的 php.ini 的问题.

This has been resolved there was an issue with the incorrect php.ini not being referenced in phpinfo().
