新的 parse.com php API - currentUser 不回馈用户

2021-12-30 00:00:00 php parse-platform


I am able to login with user credentials with

try {
  $user = ParseUser::logIn("myname", "mypass");
  // Do stuff after successful login.
} catch (ParseException $error) {
  // The login failed. Check error to see why.


but if I try to get the currentUser afterwards with

$currentUser = ParseUser::getCurrentUser();
if ($currentUser) {
    // do stuff with the user
} else {
    // show the signup or login page

$currentUser 未设置.

$currentUser is not set.

我怀疑这更多是我不知道的 php问题".只要我不注销,我很高兴能在我的代码中保留 currentUser 的任何提示.

I suspect this more to be a php "issue" that I don't know. I am greatful for any hint for keeping currentUser retained in my code as long I do not log out.


为了让 getCurrentUser() 方法起作用,您必须定义要使用的会话存储类型.您可以使用 ParseSessionStorage 类来实现这一点:

In order for the getCurrentUser() method to work, you must define the type of session storage to use. You can use the ParseSessionStorage class to achieve this:

use ParseParseClient;
use ParseParseUser;
use ParseParseSessionStorage;


// Init parse: app_id, rest_key, master_key
ParseClient::initialize('xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz');

// set session storage
ParseClient::setStorage( new ParseSessionStorage() );

try {
  $user = ParseUser::logIn("myname", "mypass");
  // Do stuff after successful login.
} catch (ParseException $error) {
  // The login failed. Check error to see why.

$currentUser = ParseUser::getCurrentUser();

print_r( $currentUser );
