我如何使用 PHP 实现这个场景?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 parallel-processing php

我正在编写一个使用 C2DM 的 android 应用程序.当用户向服务器发送一些消息时,服务器会回复发送者并将该消息转发给网络中的一组其他用户.

I am writing an android application which uses C2DM. When a user sends some message to the server, the server replies back to the sender and forwards that message to a set of other users in the network.

问题是,在消息转发给所有其他人之前,对发件人的回复会延迟.这需要很多时间.我希望先将回复发回给发件人,然后再执行转发过程.我怎样才能做到这一点......?如果我可以使用并行处理,我如何在 PHP 中做到这一点...?任何帮助将不胜感激:)

The problem is, the reply to the sender is delayed until the message is forwarded to all others. This is taking a lot of time. I want the reply to be sent back to sender first and then perform the forwarding process. How can i achieve this...? If i can use parallel processing, how can i do it in PHP...? Any help would be very much appreciated :)


print(json_encode("Inserted Successfully"));//."   ".count($tags)));

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
     $id = $row[0];
     sendMessageToUserID($id,"New Question !!",$ques_id,"yyyy");

但是,这里的插入成功"不会发送给发送者,直到 while 循环执行之后.

But, here "Inserted Successfully" is not sent to the sender, until after the while loop is executed.


我不知道这是否可行,但您可以尝试添加 Content-Length:Connection: close 标头,当然还有显式刷新输出.

I don't know if this will work but you could try adding Content-Length: and Connection: close headers, and of course the explicitly flushing output.


header("Content-Length: ".ob_get_length());
header("Connection: close");
//do other stuff
