如何在 WAMP 上本地安装 PHP 扩展?

2021-12-31 00:00:00 oauth wamp windows-7 php

我从来没有这样做过,所以我正在寻找详细的指导.我正在尝试使用 Evernote API 创建一个 PHP 页面.我已经下载了他们的 SDK,它说我需要为 PHP 安装 OAuth 扩展.我在本地机器(Windows 7)上安装了 WAMPSERVER.我试过阅读手册,但我什至不知道要下载什么:S这是一个相当简单的过程吗?

I've never done this, so I'm looking for detailed guidance. I'm trying to use the Evernote API to create a PHP page. I've downloaded their SDK and it says I need to install OAuth extension for PHP. I have WAMPSERVER installed on my local machine (Windows 7). I've tried reading the manual but I can't even figure out what to download :S Is this a fairly straightforward process?



从 http:/获取预编译的 dll/downloads.php.net/pierre/

在页面上搜索 oauth 并为您的机器选择一个.

Search the page for oauth and choose the one for your machine.

将该 .dll 文件放在您的 PHP 扩展目录中.在 php.ini 文件中找到扩展区域并将其添加到其中:

Put that .dll file in your PHP extensions directory. Find the extensions area in your php.ini file and add this to it:



重启 WAMP 服务器

restart WAMP server
