使用 PHP 返回文件夹内的文件总数

2021-12-30 00:00:00 directory file count php


Is there a better/simpler way to find the number of images in a directory and output them to a variable?

function dirCount($dir) {
  $x = 0;
  while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
    if (isImage($file)) {$x = $x + 1}
  return $x;


This seems like such a long way of doing this, is there no simpler way?

注意:如果文件是图像,isImage() 函数返回 true.

Note: The isImage() function returns true if the file is an image.


查看 DirectoryIterator 的标准 PHP 库(又名 SPL):

Check out the Standard PHP Library (aka SPL) for DirectoryIterator:

$dir = new DirectoryIterator('/path/to/dir');
foreach($dir as $file ){
  $x += (isImage($file)) ? 1 : 0;

(仅供参考,有一个名为 iterator_count() 的未记录函数,但我想现在最好不要依赖它.而且你需要过滤掉看不见的东西,比如 . 和 .. 无论如何.)

(FYI there is an undocumented function called iterator_count() but probably best not to rely on it for now I would imagine. And you'd need to filter out unseen stuff like . and .. anyway.)
