在 hook_views_query_alter() 中添加 JOIN 语句

2021-12-29 00:00:00 sql php drupal drupal-6

我需要修改视图生成的查询,以便我可以使用高度自定义的过滤器.由于这个问题,我已经用一些 OR 实现了 add_where() 函数:Drupal 中的 OR 运算符查看过滤器

I need to modify a query Views generates so that I can use highly custom filters. I have implemented the add_where() function with some ORs thanks to this question: OR operator in Drupal View Filters

然而,这只能解决我的一部分问题.有些字段我无法过滤,因为我的查询中需要有额外的 JOIN.

However this only solves a part of my problem. There are some fields that I cannot filter on because I need to have extra JOINs in my query.




that can insert JOIN statements?


嗯,有 $view->query->add_table()$view->query->add_relationship()(在'includes/query.inc' 的views_query 类中),但它们的用法、关系和先决条件从代码中并不明显(至少对我来说不是).

Well, there is $view->query->add_table() and $view->query->add_relationship() (in the views_query class in 'includes/query.inc'), but their usage, relation and preconditions are not obvious from the code (at least not for me).

也许您可以通过视图 UI 添加关系以确保加入您需要的表.

Maybe you could add the relationships via the Views UI to ensure that your needed tables get joined in.


(Note: Comment turned to answer, as no better idea showed up :/
