你能控制钩子的顺序“射击"吗?在 Drupal 中?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php drupal drupal-modules

如果两个模块在 Drupal 中实现了相同的钩子,系统是否有办法定义钩子函数的调用顺序,还是只是绘制/字母顺序的运气?或者是其他东西?或者我的问题是否表明我以某种基本方式误解了 hooks,让我看起来很愚蠢?

If two modules implement the same hook in Drupal, does the system have a way to define which order the hook functions are called, or is it just luck of the draw/alphabetical ordering? Or something else? Or does my question show I misunderstand hooks in some fundamental way that makes me look dumb?



The order is determined based on the weight setting for the module in the system table. If two modules have the same weight, the order is alphabetical.
