从搜索中隐藏 Drupal 节点

2021-12-29 00:00:00 acl search php drupal drupal-6

我通过编写一个模块来检查该部分的 RERQUEST_URI 以及用户角色,从而在 drupal 站点上创建了一个私有部分.我现在遇到的问题是如何防止这些节点/视图出现在搜索中.

I made a private section on a drupal site by writing a module that checks the RERQUEST_URI for the section as well as user role. The issue I am running into now is how to prevent those nodes/views from appearing in the search.


The content types used in the private section are used in other places in the site.

让 Druapl 搜索忽略内容/不索引/不在搜索结果中显示它的最佳方法是什么?

What's the best way to get Druapl search to ignore the content/not index/not display it in search results?


摇篮机器人 网站.

这篇文章的评论也值得一读,因为那里的人建议了其他方法来做到这一点,也是通过 contrib 模块(而不是在您自己的代码中实现一些钩子).D6 的代码也在注释中.

It's worth reading the comments to the post too, because people there suggested alternate ways of doing that, also by mean of contrib modules (rather than implementing some hooks in your own code). Code for D6 is in the comment as well.

