如何在 Solr PHP 中更新文档?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 solr php

我可以在 Solr PHP 中更新文档而不先删除它并添加一个全新的文档吗?

Hi can I update a document in Solr PHP without deleting it first and adding a whole new document?


当您想要更新文档时,您只需使用相同的强制字段集调用函数addDocument".Solr 将在内部更新文档.

When you want to update the document, you just call the function "addDocument" with the same set of compulsory fields. Solr will internally update the document.

Solr 不支持更新文档中的单个字段,如果这就是您要查找的内容.资料来源:SOLR-139

Solr does not support updating individual fields in the document, if thats what you are looking for. Source: SOLR-139

