Drupal hook_views_post_execute 没有被调用

我正在尝试连接 Drupal 7 中的 hook_views_post_execute 事件,我的名为 foo 的模块位于 sites/default/modules/features/foo.

I'm trying to hook into the hook_views_post_execute event in Drupal 7, my module called foo is located in sites/default/modules/features/foo.

我的 foo.module 文件包含对 hook_views_api 函数的定义,定义如下:

My foo.module file contains a definition for the hook_views_api function, defined like this:

function foo_views_api() {
    return array("version" => 3.0);

这个函数被调用了,但我的 hook_views_post_execute 实现没有,它是这样定义的(在同一个 foo.module 文件中):

This function gets called, but my implementation of the hook_views_post_execute does not, it's defined (in the same foo.module file) like this:

function foo_views_post_execute(&$view) {

    $seen_rows = array();
    $newResults = array();

    for($i = 0; $i < count($view->result); ++$i) {
        if (!in_array($view->result[$i]->nid, $seen_rows)) {
            $newResults[] = $view->results[$i];

        $seen_rows[] = $view->result[$i]->nid;

    $view->result = $newResults;


我已经浏览了 drupal API/hooks 文档,在谷歌上搜索并阅读了我能找到的每篇博文.我只是无法让它工作.钩子不会被调用.我假设我做了一些简单的错误,因为我通常不是 Drupal 开发人员或 PHP 开发人员.

I've been over the drupal API/hooks documentation, googled and read every blog post I've been able to find. I just can't get it to work. The hook does not get called. I'm assuming I've done something simple wrong since I'm not a drupal developer or PHP developer normally.



The view has probably been cached so it doesn't go through that function.


Go to the top left and clear the cache and you should see the result.
