在网站上不间断地播放 mp3?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 audio php drupal

客户要求在整个网站上播放单个曲目.通常我建议不要这样做,但他们坚持.那么,在网站中嵌入 Flash 播放器的最直接方法是什么,并且当用户转到另一个页面时不会出现间隙/中断?

Client is requesting a single track to be heard across the website. Generally I advise against it, but they insist. So, what is the most straightforward way of having a flash player embedded in a site, and when a user goes to another page there isn't a gap/interruption?

我认为 iframe 是必需的.我尝试搜索 SO 以寻找答案..

I am thinking an iframe is required.. I am using a flash player that has autoresume, but that only solves picking up where you last left off on the song before going to another page. I tried searching SO for an answer..


如果您希望它完全不受干扰,则必须将整个站点嵌入到 iframe 中,或通过 Ajax 加载页面.

If you want it totally uninterrupted, you'll have to embed the whole site in an iframe, or load pages via Ajax.

如果您可以容忍音乐中的停顿,您可以做的是修改 Flash 音乐播放器,将 cookie 保留在歌曲中的当前位置,并在加载时检查 cookie 并在该位置继续播放.

If you can tolerate a pause in the music, what you could do is modify your Flash music player to keep a cookie with the current position in the song and when it loads checks for the cookie and resumes playing at that place.


Both are kind of ugly hacks, but so is forcing the user to listen to music.
