如何在 Drupal 中使用 PHP 分配角色?

我需要为通过 PHP 购买金额等于或大于 100 欧元的会员分配一种高级状态".

I need to assign a kind of "premium status" to members that purchase an amount equal or greater than 100 € via PHP.

条件操作已经设置(用户 = 匿名/经过身份验证 AND 总金额 = 等于/大于 100 AND 用户 =!溢价)但我缺少 PHP 部分来实际说然后授予他高级会员资格".

Conditional Actions are already set up (user = anonymous/authenticated AND total amount = equal/greater than 100 AND user =! premium) but I'm missing the PHP part to actually say "then grant him the premium membership".


How can I achieve this?


if ($account) {
  $uid = $account->uid;
  $role_name = 'authenticated user';
  $rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = '%s'", $role_name));
  db_query("INSERT INTO {users_roles} (uid, rid) VALUES(%d, %d)", $uid, $rid);
  watchdog('user', 'uc ca added role to Ubercart created user');


你可以用 user_load()user_save():

$uid = 1; // UID of user to add role to
$role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

// Get RID of role
$rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE r.name = '%s'", $role_name));

// Load user object
$account = user_load(array('uid' => 1));

// Save the user object with the new roles.
if ($account !== FALSE && !isset($account->roles[$rid])) {
  $roles = $account->roles + array($rid => $role_name);
  user_save($account, array('roles' => $roles));

如果您想为多个用户批量执行此操作,请使用 user_multiple_role_edit():

If you wanted to do this in bulk for multiple users, there's user_multiple_role_edit():

$uids = array(1, 2, 3, 4); // UIDs of users to add role to
$role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

// Get RID of role
$rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE r.name = '%s'", $role_name));

// Add the role to UIDs
user_multiple_role_edit($uids, 'add_role', $rid);





If you wanted to do this for the current user (like part of the check you mentioned in a comment), you can do:

// Check for value over 100.00
if ($total_value > 100) {
  global $user; // Retrieve user object for currently logged in user.

  $role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

  // Get RID of role
  $rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE r.name = '%s'", $role_name));

  // Save the user object with the new role.
  if (!isset($user->roles[$rid])) {
    $roles = $user->roles + array($rid => $role_name);
    user_save($user, array('roles' => $roles));
// Other code here.
