drupal 7 将数据库中的实际内容存储在哪里?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 database php drupal database-design

我打开了 drupal 7 的数据库并在表 nodenode_revisionsnode types 中查找,但找不到drupal 存储节点(内容)的实际正文.

I've opened a database of drupal 7 and looked up in the tables node, node_revisions and node types and couldn't find where drupal stores the actual body of the node (content).
Does anyone have a clue?


哦,我刚刚找到它.在 D7 中,他们实现了字段以允许在内容中自定义字段.因此,节点主体被认为只是一个字段,其值现在存储在表 field_revision_body(在 D7 中)而不是 node_revision(在 D6 中)中.

Oh, I've just found it. In D7 they implemented fields to allow custom fields in content. So, the node body is considered just a field and its value is now stored in the table field_revision_body (in D7) instead of node_revision (in D6).

如果您引用了任何有用的有关 drupal 数据库结构的参考资料.

If you cite any references for drupal database structure that would be helpful.

