Google PHP API 文件过多

我正在尝试使用 Google Analytics Reporting API v4 为 WordPress 创建插件

I am trying to create a plugin for WordPress using the Google Analytics Reporting API v4

我们需要加载 Google API PHP 客户端库require_once __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php';

We need to load the Google API PHP Client Library require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

我已经下载了最新版本的 Google API 但供应商文件夹包含 7000 多个文件!

I have downloaded the latest release of Google API but the vendor folder contains more than 7000 files!

我的问题是我在这里做错了什么还是遗漏了什么?在供应商文件夹中,我可以看到所有的 Google 服务.如何在 WordPress 插件中以较少的文件使用 Google API?我将不胜感激任何对正确方向的帮助.

My question is if I am doing something wrong here or I am missing something? Inside the vendor folder I can see all the Google services. How I can use the Google API with less files in a WordPress plugin? I will appreciate any help to the right direction.


默认情况下,Google/Service 目录包含访问每个 Google Discovery 服务 API 所需的所有代码.从技术上讲,您不需要所有文件.您可以安全地删除 Google/Service 下不需要的所有内容.

By default the Google/Service directory contains all the code needed to access every Google Discovery services API. You don't technically need all of the files. You can safely delete everything under Google/Service that you don't need.

不要从任何其他目录中删除文件.只需删除不需要的 API.

Dont delete files from any of the other directories. Just remove the unneeded APIs.
