PHP - 包含一个 php 文件并发送查询参数

2021-12-29 00:00:00 parameters include php

我必须根据某些条件从我的 php 脚本中显示一个页面.我有一个 if 条件,如果条件满足,我正在做一个包含".

I have to show a page from my php script based on certain conditions. I have an if condition and am doing an "include" if the condition is satisfied.

if(condition here){
  include "myFile.php?id='$someVar'";


Now the problem is the server has a file "myFile.php" but I want to make a call to this file with an argument (id) and the value of "id" will change with each call.


Can someone please tell me how to achieve this? Thanks.


想象一下 include 是这样的:A copy &粘贴包含的 PHP 文件的内容,然后将对其进行解释.根本没有作用域变化,因此您仍然可以直接访问包含文件中的 $someVar(即使您可能考虑基于类的结构,您将 $someVar 作为参数传递或引用一些全局变量).

Imagine the include as what it is: A copy & paste of the contents of the included PHP file which will then be interpreted. There is no scope change at all, so you can still access $someVar in the included file directly (even though you might consider a class based structure where you pass $someVar as a parameter or refer to a few global variables).
