
2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal codeigniter payment credit-card

我正在使用贝宝集成向导进行数字商品结账 (PHP).

Hi i'm using paypal integration wizard to do digital goods checkout (PHP).

它应该支持paypal付款和非paypal付款(作为客人购买->信用卡).在向导中,它直接将支付选项设置为 paypal : $PaymentOption = "PayPal";

It should support both paypal payment and non-paypal payment(buy as a guest->credit card). in the wizard, it set payment option directly to paypal : $PaymentOption = "PayPal";

有什么方法可以以访客身份启用 paypal 直接结账?还是我需要自己添加信用卡 API?

is there any way to enable paypal direct checkout as a guest? or do i need to add credit card api myself?



这取决于接收帐户.为了让客人结帐,接收者需要是经过高级验证或经过商业验证的帐户.(已验证 = 与银行帐户相关联).

It depends on the receiving account. In order to have Guest Checkout, the receiver needs to be a Premier Verified or Business Verified account. (Verified = linked to a bank account).

如果您不满足该条件,PayPal 只会让买家选择登录或创建帐户.

If you don't meet that condition, PayPal will only give the buyer the option to log in or create an account.
