
2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal

我在 NVP [直接信用卡付款] 上有 Paypal DoDirect 方法的 api,我使用 php 作为基本语言.

I have api for Paypal DoDirect Method on NVP [Direct Credit Card Payment], and I'm using php as base language.

我在交易中取得了成功 或者回复是这样说的.但它没有在沙箱帐户中更新.

I'm getting success with the transaction Or the response says so. But its not updating in the sandbox account.

    $paypalDoDirect = new PaypalDoDirect();
    $response= $paypalDoDirect->MakePayment();

我在下面分享了我的 Sandbox business-pro 帐户详细信息:

I shared my sandbox bussiness-pro account details below:

Username: crazyheartram_api1.gmail.com
Password: 1377690526
Signature: Afm3wtXOE0L1wd2UrjZtljZHC-wnAWHTSwJ-b7-rw3qPcLGaMSLINqP8


And I did the transaction using my another personal account.

Credit card number: 4351521550740304
Credit card type: Visa
Expiration date: 7/2018


My expectation is, it should deduct the amount from personal account and credit it to the merchant (business-pro) account.


Any help highly appreciated. Thanks


EDITED I'm using same code as mentioned in below url, Payment Api using class


I just found this question, its exactly the same question as that of mine. https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/82788/seperate-payment-integeration-for-selected-plan-type-using-drupal-form-with-payp


DoDirectPayment 调用直接向信用卡收费;它不会从 PayPal 帐户中扣除 - 即使该卡已附加到现有的 PayPal 帐户.因此,它不会在您的买家"PayPal 帐户中显示为交易.

The DoDirectPayment call charges credit cards directly; it does not deduct from a PayPal account - even if that card is attached to an existing PayPal account. Therefore it doesn't show up as a transaction in your 'buyer' PayPal account.
