使用 PayPal 实施免费试用期

我正在尝试使用 PayPal 在网站上实施定期订阅服务,但是我想在向用户收费和开始订阅之前提供免费试用期.这可以使用 PayPal 的 API 实现吗?

I am trying to implement a recurring subscription service on a website using PayPal however I would like to offer a free trial period before the user is billed and the subscription is started. Is this possible using PayPal's API?

我几乎没有使用 PayPal API 的经验,似乎找不到任何关于实施免费试用期的有用文档,因此非常感谢任何帮助.

I have very little experience using the PayPal API and cannot seem to find any useful documentation about implementing a free trial period, so any help would be much appreciated.




定期付款 - PayPal 网站上的文档

Recurring Payments - Documentation on PayPal website


Trial period: An optional subscription period before theregular payment period begins. A trial period may not have the samebilling cycles and payment amounts as the regular payment period.
