X-Frame-Options 禁止重定向到 PayPal

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal x-frame-options

我有一个支付系统,它不会因为错误而重定向到 paypal:拒绝显示文档,因为 X-Frame-Options 禁止显示."表单已发布并制作了正确的重定向网址,但贝宝查询没有返回响应:

I've got a payment system that won't redirect to paypal because of the error: "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options." The form is posted and the proper redirect url is made, but there is no response returned from the paypal queries:


This redirects properly to the next query: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr&cmd=_express-checkout&token=xxx


如果我将第一个查询剪切并粘贴到浏览器中,它会重定向到 paypal,但是从应用程序(在 Chrome 中)运行时,我收到 X-Frame-Options 错误.(或在 Firefox 中,什么都没有)

If I cut and paste the first query into the browser, it redirects to paypal, when running from the application (in Chrome) however, I get the X-Frame-Options error. (or in Firefox, nothing)


这意味着 Paypal 不允许您在 iframe 中使用 Paypal.您不应在 iframe 中使用 Payapl.

This means that Paypal doesn't allow you to use Paypal in an iframe. You should not use Payapl in an iframe.
