通过 PayPal 和信用卡接收付款

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal resources payment credit-card

我正在开发一个网站,我需要从 PayPal 和信用卡接收付款,问题是我对此一无所知,我的问题是我在哪里可以找到一些很好的资源来帮助我,或者如果您有一些示例代码,所有可以帮助我的东西.

I am developing a website and I need to receive payments from PayPal and Credit Card, the thing is that I know nothing about this, and my question is where I can find some great resources to help me, or if you have some example codes, everything that can help me.



如果您计划与 Paypal 集成,您会发现 Paypal 的 Sandbox 是一个重要的工具;

If you're planning on Paypal integration you'll find Paypal's Sandbox a vital tool;


由于这类事情可能是件苦差事,而且您最终可能会使用 Paypal 的 IPN 服务(即时付款通知),因此我会搜索Paypal IPN 类"并为自己节省一些开发时间.

As this sort of thing can be a chore and you'll probably end up using Paypal's IPN service (Instant Payment Notification) anyway, I'd do a search for "Paypal IPN class" and save yourself some development time.

PS 我不知道 IPN 是否特定于特定的 Paypal 解决方案(即 Payments Pro),或者它是否与所有 Paypal 解决方案相关,如果知道的人可以编辑/更新/评论,那么我将非常感激.

PS I don't know whether IPN is specific to a particular Paypal solution (ie Payments Pro) or if it's relevant to all Paypal solutions, if someone who knows could edit/update/comment then I'd be very grateful.
