贝宝自适应付款 - 描述字段

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal paypal-adaptive-payments

我正在为我的网站使用 Paypal 自适应付款.我有不同的卖家和不同的产品,但问题是当用户从我的网站上购买商品时,付款摘要中有卖家的姓名而不是产品名称!

I'm using paypal adaptive payments for my website. I have different sellers and different products but the problem is that when a user buy something from my website in the payment summary there is the name and surname of the seller instead of the product name!

我正在寻找要传递的参数以显示产品名称而不是我的姓名和卖家的​​姓名.我使用 PHP 重定向到贝宝的页面.

I'm looking for a parameter to pass to display the product name instead of my name and the seller's name. I use PHP to redirect to the paypal's page.



使用 Adaptive Payments,您将需要使用 SetPaymentOptions API 操作来修改这些字段(行项目、企业名称等),您可以找到所有变量此处.

With Adaptive Payments you will need to use SetPaymentOptions API Operation in order to modify those fields (line item, business name, etc), you can find all the variables here.


You can find an example here: https://github.com/paypal/adaptivepayments-sdk-php/blob/master/samples/SetPaymentOptions.php


Line item works with embedded flow only.
