
2021-12-29 00:00:00 php paypal

我正在用快速结账集成替换免费和标准贝宝按钮.我相信我已经完成了大部分工作,但我还有 2 个悬而未决的问题.

  1. 使用旧按钮时,它会将我重定向到订单摘要页面,我仍然可以在其中更新我想购买的产品数量.使用 Express checkout 似乎此选项已消失.虽然数量字段仍然存在,但它是只读的,因此不能再更改.我可以让这个字段再次变得可编辑吗?

  2. 当我在按下提交表单后被重定向到 paypal 站点时,我怀疑 Paypal 正在对此页面进行一些更新,并且正在进行一些 A/B 测试以查看哪种布局表现更好,但如果其他人可以确认类似的行为并且我可以做些什么来强制特定布局,那就太好了?我在这个论坛上发现了其他帖子,但它们是前一段时间发布的,因此重新检查.



1.Express Checkout,它实际上是对 PayPal 服务器的 API 调用.如果您想编辑数量,您需要使用自己的逻辑更改值 L_PAYMENTREQUEST_n_QTYm 并将请求发送到 PayPal(数量不可编辑).


I'm in the the process of replacing the Free and Standard paypal button with a Express checkout integration. I believe I've done most of the work but I have 2 outstanding questions.

  1. When using the old button it redirected me to an order summary page where I could still update the quantity of the product I wanted to buy. With Express checkout it seems that this option has dissapeaed. Whilst the quantity field is still there, it's read-only and can therefore not be altered anymore. Can I make it so this field becomes editable again?

  2. When i get redirected to the paypal site after pressing submitting the form is not consistent, I suspect Paypal is in the process of rolling out some updates to this page and is doing some A/B testing to see which layout is performing better but it would be good if someone else could confirm a similiar behaviour and if there's anything that I can do to force a particular layout? I found other posts on this forum but they were posted a while ago hence the recheck.



1.Express Checkout, its actually a API call to the PayPal server. If you want to edit the Quantity, you need to change the value L_PAYMENTREQUEST_n_QTYm using your own logic and send the request to PayPal(quantity is not editable).Doc

2.Actually PayPal has released a new Express Checkout layout.

There are two URL's here:

Old Layout : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-24P528268C112244W

New Layout: https://www.paypal.com/checkoutnow/2?token=EC-24P528268C112244W

You can force any layout as you wish.
