This is the code I'm using as I work my way to a solution.
public function indexAction()
//id3 options
$options = array("version" => 3.0, "encoding" => Zend_Media_Id3_Encoding::ISO88591, "compat" => true);
//path to collection
$path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/Media/Music/';//Currently Approx 2000 files
//inner iterator
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
if (!$file->isDir() && $file->getExtension() === 'mp3') {
//real path to mp3 file
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
Zend_Debug::dump($filePath);//current results: accepted path no errors
$id3 = new Zend_Media_Id3v2($filePath, $options);
foreach ($id3->getFramesByIdentifier("T*") as $frame) {
$data[$frame->identifier] = $frame->text;
Zend_Debug::dump($data);//currently can scan the whole collection without timing out, but APIC data not being processed.
问题: 处理多个目录中的 mp3 文件的文件系统.将 id3 标签数据提取到数据库(3 个表)中,并将标签中的封面图片提取到单独的文件中.
The problem: Process a file system of mp3 files in multiple directories. Extract id3 tag data to a database (3 tables) and extract the cover image from the tag to a separate file.
I can handle the actual extraction and data handling. My issue is with output.
通过 Zend Framework 1.x 处理输出缓冲的方式,输出文件正在处理的指示符很困难.在没有输出缓冲的旧式 PHP 脚本中,您可以在循环的每次迭代中打印出一些 html 并获得一些进度指示.
With the way that Zend Framework 1.x handles output buffering, outputting an indicator that the files are being processed is difficult. In an old style PHP script, without output buffering, you could print out a bit of html with every iteration of the loop and have some indication of progress.
I would like to be able to process each album's directory, output the results and then continue on to the next album's directory. Only requiring user intervention on certain errors.
Javascript 不是我正在寻找的解决方案.我觉得这在 PHP 和 ZF 1 MVC 的构造中应该是可能的.
Javascript is not the solution I'm looking for. I feel that this should be possible within the constructs of PHP and a ZF 1 MVC.
Ok, how about some ideas on how to break this down into smaller chunks. Process one chunk, commit, process next chunk, kind of thing. In or out of ZF.
我开始看到我正在努力完成的工作的问题.似乎输出缓冲不仅仅发生在 ZF 中,它发生在从 ZF 一直到浏览器的任何地方.嗯嗯...
I'm beginning to see the problem with what I'm trying to accomplish. It seems that output buffering is not just happening in ZF, it's happening everywhere from ZF all the way to the browser. Hmmmmm...
您正在尝试使用 PHP 解析
ID3 标签
You are trying to parse
ID3 tag
with PHP which is slow and trying to have multiple parse files at once would definitely make it even slower
将加载文件夹和子文件夹中的所有文件,我认为没有限制..它可以是 2,000
今天 100,000
would load all the files in a folder and sub folder from what i see there is no limit .. it can be 2,000
today the 100,000
the next day ? Total processing time is unpredictable and this can definitely take some hours in some cases
High dependence on single file system, with your current architecture the files are stored in local system so it would be difficult to split the files and do proper load balancing
You are not checking if the file information has been extracted before and this results Loop and extraction Duplication
No locking system
.. this means that this process can be initiated simultaneously resulting to general slow performance on the server
我的建议是不要使用 loop
或 RecursiveDirectoryIterator
My advice is not to use loop
or RecursiveDirectoryIterator
to process the files in bulk.
Target the file as soon as they are uploaded or transferred to the server. That way you are only working with one file at a time this way to can spread the processing time.
您的问题正是 Job Queue 的设计目的您也不仅限于使用 PHP
实现解析......您可以利用 C
或 C++
Your problem is exactly what Job Queue are designed to do you are also not limited to implementing the parsing with PHP
.. you take advantage of C
or C++
for performance
- 将作业转移到更适合工作的其他机器或流程
- 它允许您并行工作,以负载平衡处理
- 通过异步运行耗时的任务来减少大容量 Web 应用程序中页面查看的延迟
- Transfer Jobs to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work
- It allows you to do work in parallel, to load balance processing
- Reduce the latency of page views in high-volume web applications by running time-consuming tasks asynchronously
- Multiple Languages client in
sever inC
- ZemoMQ
- Gearman
- Beanstalkd
- 连接到作业队列,例如德语
- 连接到数据库,例如 MongoDB 或 Redis
- 循环文件夹路径
- 检查文件扩展名
- 如果文件是 mp3 ,则生成文件哈希,例如.sha1_file
- 检查文件是否已发送进行处理
- 将哈希、文件发送到作业服务器
- 连接到作业队列,例如德语
- 连接到数据库,例如 MongoDB 或 Redis
- 接收哈希/文件
- 提取 ID3 标签;
- 使用 ID3 标签信息更新数据库
Finally this processing can be done on multiple servers in parallel