使用 Zend_Db 时如何将值设置为 NULL

2021-12-29 00:00:00 sql php mysql pdo zend-framework

当使用 Zend_Db 执行 UPDATE 和 INSERT 查询时,我经常需要将值设置为等于 NULL(不是 '').然而, Zend_Db::insert() 和 Zend_Db::update() 的默认行为似乎是将空值转换为空字符串 ('') 并照此放入数据库.

When performing UPDATE and INSERT queries using Zend_Db, I frequently need to set values equal to NULL (not ''). However, the default behavior of Zend_Db::insert() and Zend_Db::update() seems to be that values that are empty are translated into empty strings ('') and put into the database as such.

如果 php 中的值为空,有没有人知道实际强制 NULL 值进入字段的方法?

Does anyone know of way to actually force a NULL value to go into fields if the value is empty in php?


尝试将受影响的字段设置为:new Zend_Db_Expr('NULL')

Try setting the affected fields to: new Zend_Db_Expr('NULL')
