在 Zend Framework 中处理会话的最佳方式

2021-12-29 00:00:00 cookies php zend-framework

所以我开始使用 Zend 框架并希望实现一个站点范围的用户"会话......我可以从应用程序中的所有模块/控制器轻松访问它.

So I'm starting up in Zend framework and looking to implement a site-wide "User" session.... something I can easily access from ALL modules/controllers in the application.


I'm like, should I make a new namespace in the library and extend the controller, like:

class MYCUSTOMLIB_Controller_Action extends Zend_Controller_Action
    protected $_userSession;

    function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $req)
         $this->_userSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('user');


ANd then have all my controllers/modules/etc extend from that?


Or should I create a Plugin or what? How would you go about making this plugin to pass the user session to the controller?


Or do I do it in the bootstrap?? Again how to pass to controller?

我也应该使用 Zend_Session_Namespace 或 Zend_Http_Cookie 以及如何加密和 xss 清理 cookie 还是自动完成?

Also should I use Zend_Session_Namespace or Zend_Http_Cookie and also how do I encrypt and xss clean the cookie or is that done automagically?



I would initialise in the bootstrap too:

protected function _initUserSession()
    return new Zend_Session_Namespace('user');


Then I would use an action helper:

// library/App/Controller/Action/Helper/Session.php
class App_Controller_Action_Helper_Session extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
    function direct()
        return $this->getFrontController()->getParam('userSession');


You access it in your controller like this:

function indexAction()
    $session = $this->_helper->session;
