jQuery `submit` 方法忽略使用 GET 发送的 POST.为什么?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 forms jquery php javascript zend-framework


<input type="hidden" id="HiddenFormInput" name="HiddenFormInput"></表单>

由可通过 https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/ 访问的网页生成,这也是表单指向的操作.>

在服务器端,我区分了 GETPOST 请求.页面显示清晰 (GET) 或根据表单的值显示某些结果 (POST).

当我使用 jQuery 提交表单时(我在这里没有使用 AJAX,只是提交表单),如本代码段所示,


然后 jQuery 似乎是用 GET 提交这个表单的,尽管它清楚地标记为用 POST 提交.即使是 alert($("#hiddenForm").attr("method")); 也总是产生 "post".但是,只有当页面已被 GET 加载时,才会发生这种不需要的行为.如果页面是通过 POST 来的,即表单至少已经提交过一次,那么一切都按预期进行.


问题是一个普通的 preventDefault() 问题.触发提交的按钮有自己的功能.那是一个超链接.所以我有了这个动作链.

  1. 超链接到https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/#
  2. 使用操作https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/提交表单.

当然,这会导致在没有提交表单的情况下调用 GET.一旦我在页面 https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/# 上,超链接失去了它的功能.这就是为什么第二次尝试总是有效的原因,因为操作链减少到提交表单.

  1. 超链接到 https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/#(无效,因为已经存在)
  2. 使用操作https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/提交表单.



正如评论中所讨论的,没有错误,至少在 jQuery 2.0.3 的最后一个版本上,可以用这个来测试:

<头><script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js"></script><脚本>$(document).ready(function () {$('#dosubmit').on('click',function(){$("#hiddenForm").submit();});});<身体><?php//如果(计数($_GET)> 0){echo "<textarea style="width: 700px;高度:90px;">提交方法=GET:$_GET:";var_dump($_GET);echo "</textarea>";}如果(计数($_POST)> 0){echo "<textarea style="width: 700px;高度:90px;">提交方法=POST:$_POST:";var_dump($_POST);echo "</textarea>";}?><form id="hiddenForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" id="HiddenFormInput" name="HiddenFormInput"/></表单><div id="dosubmit" style="background-color: gold; width: 200px; cursor: pointer;">点击我做jQuery提交</div>




在您的原始表单中,提交不会传递任何 URL 参数,因为仅提交具有指定 name 属性的输入.所以我为你的隐藏输入添加了属性 name="HiddenFormInput".

I have a form like this.

<form id="hiddenForm" method="post" action="/my-controller/my-action/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" id="HiddenFormInput" name="HiddenFormInput">

which is produced by a web page accessible through https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/, which is also the action the form points to.

On the server side, I differentiate between GET and POST requests. Either the page is shown plainly (GET) or some results are shown depending on the form's values (POST).

When I use jQuery to submit the form (I am NOT employing AJAX here, simply submitting the form), as in this snippet,


then jQuery seems to submit this form with GET, although it's clearly marked to be submitted with POST. Even an alert($("#hiddenForm").attr("method")); always yields "post". However, this unwanted behaviour only occurs if the page has been loaded by a GET. If the page came by a POST, i.e. the form has already been submitted at least once, everything works just as expected.


The problem was a plain old preventDefault() one. The button that triggered the submit had a functionality of its own. It was a hyperlink. So I had this chain of actions.

  1. Hyperlink to https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/#
  2. Submit form with action https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/.

Of course that would result in a GET call without the form being submitted. Once I was on the page https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/# the hyperlink lost it's functionality. That's why the second try always worked because the chain of actions was reduced to the submission of the form.

  1. Hyperlink to https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/# (no effect because already there)
  2. Submit form with action https://[my-server]/my-controller/my-action/.

Then it worked of course.


As discussed in comments, there is no bug, at least on the last version of jQuery 2.0.3, one can test with this:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {

if(count($_GET) > 0) {
  echo "<textarea style="width: 700px; height: 90px;">
Submitted with method=GET: $_GET:
  echo "</textarea>";

if(count($_POST) > 0) {
echo "<textarea style="width: 700px; height: 90px;">
Submitted with method=POST: $_POST:
  echo "</textarea>";

<form id="hiddenForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input type="hidden" id="HiddenFormInput" name="HiddenFormInput" />

<div id="dosubmit" style="background-color: gold; width: 200px; cursor: pointer;">Click me to Do jQuery Submit</div>


When one clicks on gold background text, $("#hiddenForm").submit(); is used to submit the form.

Here is the output:

Submitted with method=POST: $_POST:
array(1) {
    string(0) ""

In your original form, no URL arguments are passed by the submitting, as only inputs with name attribute specified are submitted. So I added the attribute name="HiddenFormInput" for your hidden input.
