使用 PHPUnit 和 Zend 框架测试异常的问题

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework phpunit

当用户在没有正确的 post 参数的情况下访问/user/validate 时,我的 Zend 应用程序会抛出一个 zend 异常.(我收到标准的发生错误"消息,在我的布局中框起来了).这是故意的.

When a user accesses /user/validate without the correct post parameters, my Zend application throws a zend exception. (I get the standard "An Error Occurred" message, framed within my layout). This is intentional.

我现在正在尝试使用 PHPUnit 测试该行为.这是我的测试:

I am now trying to test that behaviour with PHPUnit. Here's my test:

 * @expectedException Zend_Exception
public function testEmptyUserValidationParametersCauseException() {

当我运行测试时,我收到一条消息,说它失败了,预期异常 Zend_Exception".有什么想法吗?

When I run the test I get a message saying it failed, "Expected exception Zend_Exception". Any ideas?


I have other tests in the file which are working just fine...



Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler 插件为您处理异常,默认的 Error_Controller 强制执行 500 重定向,这可能意味着您正在测试的异常不再存在.尝试以下单元测试,看看它是否通过:

The Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler plugin handles exceptions for you and the default Error_Controller forces a 500 redirect which may mean the exception you are testing for no longer exists. Try the following unit test and see if it passes:

public function testUnknownUserRedirectsToErrorPage()


If this works then it shows that by the time you are rendering the error view the exception will no longer exist as it is contained in the code before the redirect.
