在 Zend_Form 中,如何避免 Zend_Validate_Email 产生多个错误?

我正在构建一个 ZendFramework 应用程序,它作为一个要求输入电子邮件地址和密码的登录表单 - 在尝试登录数据库之前验证电子邮件地址似乎是有意义的,因为无效的电子邮件永远不会导致有效命中.Zend_Validate_EmailAddress 似乎是正确的方法,但我遇到了一个问题,它会产生多个错误(底部的问题,代码之后).

I am building a ZendFramework application which as a login form asking for an email address and password - it seemed to make sense to validate the email address before hitting the database with the login attempt, as an invalid email would never lead to a valid hit. Zend_Validate_EmailAddress seemed like the right way to go, but I am having an issue with it generating multiple errors (question at the bottom, after the code).


My form currently has the following

$email = $this->addElement('text', 'email', array(
    'validators'=>array(array('emailaddress', true, array(
            'emailAddressInvalidHostname'=>'Your email address is invalid',
            'emailAddressInvalidFormat'=>'Your email address is invalid',
            '...'=>'(repeat for all message templates)'


In the controller I directly pass the form into the view:

// WPMail_AuthController::loginAction()
$this->view->form = $form;


And in the view, it's directly echo'd:

// views/scripts/auth/login.phtml
<?php echo $this->form ?>


- Your email address is invalid
- 'asda!!!' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname
- 'asda!!!' does not appear to be a valid local network name

我想知道的是:是否可以将 Zend_Validate_EmailAddress 配置为只产生一个电子邮件无效错误?我所说的配置"是指不扩展类并用我自己的逻辑覆盖逻辑.

What I want want to know is: Is it possible to configure Zend_Validate_EmailAddress in such a way that it only produces a single email-invalid error? By 'configure' I mean, without extending the class and overriding the logic with my own.



Zend Form Element 有多种方法可用于自定义消息.从文档中并不是很清楚,但是 addErrorMessage() 会在验证失败时设置一条自定义错误消息.

Zend Form Element has various methods you can use to customise messages . It's not terribly clear from the docs but addErrorMessage() sets a single custom error message on failed validation.


Your example would therefore look like:

$email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
      ->addValidator('emailAddress', true)
      ->addErrorMessage('Your email address is invalid');

参见 http:///framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.form.elements.html#zend.form.elements.validators.errors
