在 Zend Framework 网站中放置插件的位置

2021-12-29 00:00:00 php zend-framework

问题很简单:我有一个用于 Zend Framework 的控制器插件.

The question is quite simple : I have a controller plugin for Zend Framework.


Should I put it in the "library/Plugin" folder, or in "application/plugins".

(顺便说一句,现在它在库/插件中,但这适用于 Linux 和 Mac Os X,但不适用于 Windows,所以我想这可能不是正确的地方)

(btw for now it is in library/Plugin but this works on Linux and Mac Os X, but not Windows so i figured maybe that is not the right place)



如果是 控制器插件 它位于应用程序/插件"中.
如果它是通用插件(即实用程序类等),则它位于/library/* 中,其中 * 跟在 Zend Loader 规则.

If its a controller plugin it goes in "application/plugins".
If it's a general purpose plugin (ie Utility Classes and such) it goes in /library/*, where * follows the Zend Loader rules.
